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the Cooking


Hello, my name is Steamer and I am a Cooking Wizard, a chef with a magical twist and a social conscience.


I live in one of several Western countries currently facing one of the biggest dangers of all time: lifestyle-related illnesses caused by bad and over eating habits. 


My creators Fabienne Viner-Luzzato and Jo Leslie-Briggs would like, through my experience as a cooking wizard, to help you, your parents and your carers to change those bad eating habits to do better and to improve your lives.


In their book you will discover Steamer’s tall tales and wise words and learn fun, simple and delicious new recipes, while Fabienne and Jo cook up stories that feed your imagination for healthy and yummy eating and demonstrate how simple lifestyle changes can help achieve your goals.


You can purchase Steamer The Cooking Wizard by calling Fabienne on 07973698046 or online:

© 2014 by Fabienne Viner-Luzzato & Jo Leslie-Briggs

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